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Put new speakers in my 210RD


Simon Kay (simonk)
Username: simonk

Registered: 11-2010
Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - 09:29 am:   

And what a difference it makes.

I have a 210RD that I bought 2nd hand in London in 1982, had it all this time used it mostly just at home (was gigged a bit in the early years) but it's travelled a lot. The only thing ever changed was the plug, depending on which country I was in... I've never taken a screw out of the case before, let alone fiddled with the electronics.

I was getting the impression that the sound had recently changed a lot, rather distorted, no bass or treble to speak of, kind of like my strings were as old as the amp. I was even considering buying another amp when a friend suggested last week I tried first swapping the speakers. I decided to go Celestion, got two G10 Vintage on order. Sunday I cleaned out the crap that was filling the original MM speakers... wow. 30 years of dust and grill material. No wonder they didn't sound good.

Last night I put the G10s in - amazing. Not only do I have a new amp, it seems I have a new guitar too! Truly an amazing transformation. Recommended. Probably any speakers would have improved it but these sound great.
T.E. Price (uposb4)
Username: uposb4

Registered: 05-2006
Posted on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - 06:33 pm:   

Oh yeah! I have 12 sets of various 12" speakers that i change out every once in awhile for a change in tone. My favorites are an older set of Carvin vintage series from the late 90's, Not the newer ones. Believe it or not the Peavey blue marvel's are suprisingly very very good in my 212HD 130.